
Credit Oracle Network

Propelling On-chain Economy

Credio streams machine learning model outputs by top data scientists and rating agencies directly into DeFi smart contracts in an automated, privacy-preserving and decentralized manner

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On-chain Issuers

Attract institutional capital

with credit ratings from top modellers

RWA Credit Investors

Analyse, execute and monitor RWA transactions,

real-time and automated

DeFi Protocols

Smart contracts can integrate with Credio

to automate their economic risk management

A vision for decentralized zkML credit intelligence

Credio supplies machine learning model outputs

directly to smart contracts

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Consumers: are DeFi issuers, investors or protocol DAOs that define risk parameter needs, set performance benchmarks, and establish rewards for Modellers.

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Modellers: build machine learning risk models and provide them as a service to earn revenues from ongoing use by Consumers.

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Validators: ensure models' integrity and quality by evaluating models against consumer needs, verifying zkML proofs and ensuring they meet the performance benchmarks.

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Oracle: the smart contracts that coordinate and incentivize the interactions between Consumers, Modellers and Validators to ensure the Credio provides high quality, decentralized model output feeds in a privacy-preserving manner.

Trusted by

Fasanara | Untangled


Programmable money

needs programmable creditworthiness.

Because money is credit.

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High quality inference feeds

  • - Built by top modellers and rating agencies
  • - Validated independently by third parties with 'skin in the game'
  • - Automated by smart contracts avoiding manipulation
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Decentralized, reliable and secured infrastructure

  • - Proven smart contracts end-to-end security
  • - Transparency through blockchain immutability
  • - Accessible and shared data infrastructure
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Privacy-preserving inferences through zkml technology

  • - Verifiable computation outputs without revealing the model workings
  • - Top modellers and rating agencies are incentivised to participate
  • - Cutting edge technology integrating AI/ML with blockchains

Credio incentivizes top data scientists to build models and generate inferences that are fed directly to on-chain applications

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Modeling challenge

  • - Consumers set out risk criteria/model outputs as challenges to Credio's decentralized community of modellers
  • - Modellers build and commit their models. They then compute unique test outputs against a challenge dataset along zkML proofs. Validators verify proofs and evaluate the inferences against performance benchmarks.
  • - Top performing model(s) are deployed and act as trusted modelling source, ready for consumption.
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Oracle operation

  • - A Consumer calls to request the model output feed through Credio as a custom feed from a particular model
  • - The request is then routed to a trusted model which computes and outputs risk parameters against the on-chain and off-chain data submitted by the Consumer.
  • - Inference is then provided to the Consumer along with zero knowledge proof. The entire process is seamless and programmable according to certain time-based or event-based triggers.

Roadmap to a decentralized

risk intelligence ecosystem

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01: Data engineering and core model building

Engineer custom datasets combining both off and on-chain data and build machine learning models for a sample asset classes - working capital private credits

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02: Apply privacy-preserving technologies

Evaluate and incorporate zkML and OPML to both data inputs and model inferences

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03: Decentralizing modelling

Develop an ecosystem of modelers and output users (model consumers)


Talk to an expert

Tell us about your credit intelligence needs or joining Credio's modelling community?